Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I cannot recall a time when I have been more annoyed than I have the past few days.  It seems that every time I get past one annoyance another is on the horizon.  Further, the annoyance seem to be coming from all facets of life at the moment.  In an attempt to relieve some of the annoyances plaguing my life at the moment, I have decided to compile a list of annoyances.

#1 - Bad Writing
I have recently finished grading my students' first papers, and I found the complete lack of writing skills incredibly annoying.  My job is to evaluate students' abilities to synthesize communication concepts, NOT to search endlessly for those concepts in poorly written papers.  I am puzzled by the inability to form a coherent sentence.

#2 - Withdrawal Deadlines
I have never had a semester as plagued by e-mails from students considering whether or not to withdraw from class.  This required an incredible amount of energy that I could have devoted to other work.  I long for the day when students are able to look at their grades and determine whether or not they should withdraw.

#3 - Incompetent Companies
I recently ordered supplies for an non-profit organization of which I am a member.  I placed the order two weeks in advance of when I needed the supplies.  Having never received the promised tracking number for my order, I contacted the company to discover that my order was on back order from a company that had failed to even fill the order.  Due to the inability of these companies to perform at adequate standards, I am now rushed to complete my work on time.  Thankfully, I called today to straighten out the mess!

#4 - Cheap Appliances
As I am going to be house-sitting for some friends over the next few days, I decided to prepare a few meals that I could simply microwave.  However, given the cheap appliance included in most rentals these days, every time that I cook something my oven smokes, and I enjoy a smoke-filled home.

Here's to hoping the annoyance ends!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is here...

Although the arrival of spring comes regularly, the actual arrival (i.e., weather, plants, etc.) of spring does not always coincide with the calendar.  However, I was pleasantly surprised on my walk this morning to see flocks of geese headed inland.  Although a bit chilly this morning, I slowed my walk once I heard the honks of the geese and began searching the skies hoping to catch a glimpse of their beautiful formations.  Maybe it's just the farm kid in me, but this always seems to signal the arrival of spring.

To add to the springtime atmosphere, yesterday was the warm and windy.  For the first time this year, I was able to turn off the heat and open the windows.  Spring air flowing through the house always seems to invigorate me.  Today seems to be shaping up in quite the same manner.  While quite chilly this morning, the temperature is supposed to reach close to 70 degrees today.  Cool mornings and warm afternoons typify spring for me.

The final indicator of spring for me is the reawakening of plants, trees, and shrubs from their winter sleep.  Although I dread the rapid approach of pollen season, the thin coat of pollen on my car yesterday provided cheer that spring is here.  As I looked at the bare planters by the front door and on the back patio, I began to think about what I needed to get my own little world green again.  I'm ready to start spending time out on the patio.

Yeah for spring!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Returning home for spring break this year has made me aware of a number of things that I appreciate. 

Beautiful Views - I am reminded of this on 65N just as I leave Bee Branch.  I top the hill and can see miles and miles of the Ozarks.  This scene always reminds me how amazing God is and how grateful I am to have grown up surrounded by such beauty.

A Loving Family - My one year old niece has taken to hugging me when she first sees me.  It's amazing to me how much I enjoy the feelings that come from that.  My extended family is constantly demonstrating how much they care for me and support me.  When I think of all of the people who are in some way responsible for getting me where I am today, I am truly humbled by their sacrifices and their love and support.

Time Alone - Although I spend a lot of time by myself (such is the life of an academic), I am always surprised at how refreshing it is to spend 13 hours alone in the car with only my thoughts and cds.  Some of my best thinking occurs during these drives.

Technological Oblivion - My time spent at home and at my parents is time that disconnects me from the world in many ways.  I have dial-up speed Internet access.  I get sporadic cell reception, and very few people know where I am/contact me.  It's amazing how this rejuvenates me.

This is probably why I work better at home and I am more relaxed while working.  Further, the time with family always provides me a much needed boost in confidence and a renewed outlook on life.  Oh that this were a constant!