Friday, March 13, 2009


Returning home for spring break this year has made me aware of a number of things that I appreciate. 

Beautiful Views - I am reminded of this on 65N just as I leave Bee Branch.  I top the hill and can see miles and miles of the Ozarks.  This scene always reminds me how amazing God is and how grateful I am to have grown up surrounded by such beauty.

A Loving Family - My one year old niece has taken to hugging me when she first sees me.  It's amazing to me how much I enjoy the feelings that come from that.  My extended family is constantly demonstrating how much they care for me and support me.  When I think of all of the people who are in some way responsible for getting me where I am today, I am truly humbled by their sacrifices and their love and support.

Time Alone - Although I spend a lot of time by myself (such is the life of an academic), I am always surprised at how refreshing it is to spend 13 hours alone in the car with only my thoughts and cds.  Some of my best thinking occurs during these drives.

Technological Oblivion - My time spent at home and at my parents is time that disconnects me from the world in many ways.  I have dial-up speed Internet access.  I get sporadic cell reception, and very few people know where I am/contact me.  It's amazing how this rejuvenates me.

This is probably why I work better at home and I am more relaxed while working.  Further, the time with family always provides me a much needed boost in confidence and a renewed outlook on life.  Oh that this were a constant!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am so glad you posted this, it helped me remember the simple things in my life I truly appreciate.

I know exactly where you are talking about on the drive up 65N (a trip I also make frequently from Little Rock to Springfield), it is a gorgeous view and it always strikes me how nice it is to have scenery like that so close to home. Who needs to go abroad?

I agree that time alone in the car with your music is invigorating. Though I do miss road trips with you!