Saturday, May 30, 2009

On the Subject of Friends

The social scientist in me knows that this is completely impossible, but I'm thinking of cutting my friend group down to those people who I know actually care about me.  I've had more interactions with friends this week than I typically have in a week.  I'm intrigued by the fact that some of the best moments I had with friends have been in the past week, as well as some of the worst.

An awesome friend, my best friend actually, had to endure several days of me venting about another friend.  What makes her my best friend is that when I called and took my frustration with the other friend out on her (and I really did let it all out), she simply listened, agreed, and commiserated with me.  While that is the hallmark of a truly great friend, she even went a step further.  She actually got pissed at the other friend (a mutual friend) for the way the friend was treating me.  I've been reflecting on this support for the past day, and I cannot express how thankful I am to have friends who care deeply about me and about what's going on in my life.  It's also wonderful to have friends who will stand up for you even when you're not willing to stand up for yourself!

I also had a chance to spend two hours reconnecting with a friend this past Thursday.  It never ceases to amaze me that in a matter of mere minutes, my close friends and I can catch up on each others' lives.  That's another hallmark of a great friend: someone who understands you and wants to know what's going on in your life.  It's amazing to me that these people manage to quickly update me on their lives, while simultaneously probing me about my own.  What a way to show friendship!

I've also had the opportunity to pray for a variety of things going on in friends' lives this week.  While this isn't all that amazing as I am glad to do this, several friends have let me know that they're praying for me this week.  I know that I'm truly blessed with great friends when they're taking time to pray for me.  What an amazing way to honor a friend!

So back to my original thought about excising some individuals from my friend group.  I'm thinking that I'm no longer interested in the people who aren't true friends.  I'm wasting my time surrounding myself with people who are not committed to me and who are not willing to respect me as another human being.  Cognitively, I know this isn't possible, but I think it's a great attempt at strengthening current friendships and letting insincere ones die.

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